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Top 11 Startup Employer Brands on Instagram

Organizations, especially young organizations, are learning that a strong employer brand needs to share content on social networks. This includes sharing photographs. Every single second, Instagram gains one user, and existing users upload 58 photos, comment on 81 photos and like 575 photos. In sharing photos, you must consider Instagram. While not all goods cater to be shared as photographs, all companies can share what kind of company you are, your values and your culture.

At SocialHRCamp SmartRecruiters CEO Jerome Ternynck said, “There are two types of social. The social within the enterprise, where people talk with each other and collaborate. And then social media, where the good word of the company is spread far and wide.”

Smart brands are establishing engaged communities that go beyond the office door. Showing engagement within the office promotes it outside the office. When the public can see that your employees enjoy doing what they do, and what’s going on inside the office is fun and worth sharing well, that’s intriguing.

Many big brands on Instagram have greatly grown their employer brand. Now it’s time to see how startups are spreading the good word on Instagram. Hats off to these companies that are doing it right!

11. @RINGCENTRAL: You can tell Ring Central employees are happy to be working! They feature pictures of Ring Centralers in all sorts of places. We really get a feel for the type of people that work there. By putting faces behind the brand you can establish personal connections with viewers.


10. @GOPAGO: Food porn, you say? I think so. GoPago cannot help but post all the delicious food they eat- and we don’t blame them. Their pay in advance service is available for all sorts of goods, including restaurants. Their Instagram gives the feeling they use their product. What’s better branding than that?


9. @SFMADE:  Part of SFMade’s mission is to, “build and support a vibrant manufacturing in San Francisco.” We are all for this, they are supporting innovation, creating employment opportunities and celebrating Bay Area Talent. Their pictures amplify their mission by showing awesome local products and vendors.


8. @onecampaign: One campaign is a grassroots effort of over 3million people in the fight against global poverty and HIV/AIDS. That’s right 3million plus, they are a force. Their pictures show volunteers, products, events, and stars all with the mission to inspire and change the world. Did I mention Bono?


7. @YELP: Yelp does a great job of creating diversity in their pictures. You can’t get bored, because it’s never the same. Yelp has pictures of cool events, company swag, food, office life, advertisements and best of all, office dogs. Who doesn’t love office dogs? We know the Yelp office is well rounded, exciting, and fun.


6. @themelt: The Melt has brought technology to the kitchen creating gourmet grilled cheese in a completely eco-friendly environment. These guys are stars of employer branding sticking to their company color scheme and showing off just how great their product is. Grilled cheese pictures to make you drool.


5. @DOLPHINBROWSER: Dolphin’s product is all about interaction. You can use gesture and voice to control your browser. If that’s not interactive, I don’t know what is. Their Instragram emphasizes that it isn’t just their software that is interactive but their team as well, showing all San Francisco has to offer.


4. @BLUEJEANSNET: Bluejeans is in the business of video communication, stressing that seeing is believing. Their Instagram highlights their product with screenshots of interoffice video chats. They show off their fun side by showing Halloween costume contests, office happy hours, and company picnics.


3. @FOURBARRELCOFFE: How many cups of coffee are posted on Instagram each day? When you search #coffee there are 3,614,090 photos. Still, their business, cups of coffee, doesn’t pigeonhole this San Francisco coffee shop. Four Barrel’s Instagram varies from architecture, to local farms, to the coffee making process. Not to mention happy caffeinated faces.


2. @timbuk2designs: timbuk2 is another San Francisco brand giving locals something to be proud off. Their “tough as hell,” bags are made to last and all in city. Their IG walks us through the bag making process, San Francisco, and begs the question, “What’s in your bag?”


1. @blurb_books: Blurb helps you make photos you love into real books. So we should expect that they have some amazing photography on their Instagram. They are among the elite Instagram photographers. Sometimes you get a sneak peek into one of the books they’ve published and think to yourself, “I gotta do that.”


So there you have it, the Top 11 Startup Employer Brands on Instagram. Take your cue from these leaders. If your sexy enterprise has got it going on, don’t be afraid to show off a little bit. These Instagram pictures are an opportunity to highlight your brand in a new and exciting way.

And remember it’s true, a picture can say one thousand words. What does your Instagram say about you?


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Lexie Forman-Ortiz

Lexie Forman-Ortiz is the Community Manager at SmartRecruiters.