Many of you told us that you wanted to test out the functionality of applicant profiles immediately. And so, for all new users, SmartRecruiters CEO Jerome Ternynck is now waiting for you in the software as a Test Applicant! Many of you also noticed that the “state” does not accompany “city” on all displays of job postings. So now they do. And to meet the need to mass share a branded and personalized message, we improved the versatility of email templates.
- New companies starting to use SmartRecruiters will now see a test job and a test applicant, which are created automatically
- You can jump right in and check it out for yourself on how easy it is to manage jobs and applicants
- Use the easy actions to view, share, email, schedule interviews…or simply reject your Test Applicant

- This week we also implemented an update to tackle certain situations where a confusion might occur: Is this job that I see on your website for Richmond, Virginia or for Richmond, Texas? Well, no need to worry any more about causing confusion for applicants:

- Job Widgets and Career Site now display the job location with both the city and the state in the format. ex.: “San Francisco, CA”
- An update to the email templates ensures that all default templates are available for all newly created accounts
- Remember that you can fully customize them and also create your very own templates for any type of communication
- Whether it be scheduling interviews, confirming appointments, turning down applicants, sending job offers, or virtually any type of communication you plan on sending to applicants, you can make it easy, fast, and efficient
- The email templates allow you to send fully personalized emails (even to multiple candidates at once) in seconds!

- Another update to the job location now ensures that even some smaller cities are recognized and can be displayed on the Job Ad.
- Also fixed this week was an annoying issue that caused some of you to inadvertently take down posted jobs.
- An issue with the parsing email address that caused a delay in email applications being processed and imported, has been solved.
- Some Internet Explorer users were experiencing difficulties with the drag and drop components on the Career Site setup and Online Application customization. This is now solved.
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