chapter six


Now that you have an understanding of how to evaluate your organization’s talent acquisition capabilities, let’s take the next step—Strategize—where you will set goals and build out a recruiting playbook.

Building A Talent Acquisition Strategy

Now comes our favorite part. Knowing where you stand and where you want to go is critical, and in the next section you’ll learn ways to bridge that gap. We have outlined various strategies you can pursue to level up your capabilities in each pillar of Hiring Success. You might already have some of them in place; others you might not even be aware of. Use these strategies as a reference for building a TA function with current resources, as well as new areas you might want to invest in.

10 Key Takeways

  1. Today’s high-performing TA teams are structured more like a sales and marketing organization, where a mix of specialized roles cover all the functions of a talent attraction strategy, including recruitment marketing, relationship building, and data analytics.
  2. Most organizations think they offer a strong candidate experience, but fail to examine their internal process through a critical lens on areas of improvement.
  3. Technology acts as a catalyst for transformation, allowing the right people and processes to execute change efficiently and effectively.
  4. Truly modern recruiting platforms enable recruiters to make more effective and data-driven hiring decisions with features and functionality that support the hiring process from beginning to end.
  5. The best technology solution is feature-rich and easily adopted by all end users—candidates, recruiters, sourcers, interviewers, and hiring managers.
  6. The first step of the Hiring Success Journey starts with an assessment of your current TA function to identify opportunities for improvement.
  7. The Hiring Success Business Assessment provides an in-depth, credible, and holistic examination of company health and performance across 21 different areas of evaluation.
  8. This audit scores your business on its level of sophistication on a 1-4 level scale, where level 1 is simple & transactional and level 4 is customized & predictive.
  9. The output of this report gives you strategic insight into where your business should deepen its investments in order to grow.
  10. The report results should last for 2-3 years, but can be repeated in certain cases, and serve as a discussion for how to set business growth goals.