Why Now?

Connecting People to Jobs at Scale

As a leader in strategic best-of-breed talent acquisition, SmartRecruiters strives to bring the best-recruiting tools to the market supporting organizations in their journey to attract, select, and hire the best talent on demand and on budget. This journey is supported by not only technology updates but process transformation and change management. Unfortunately, during the current global crisis, many organizations are struggling to find the resources and funding to support such a transition. SmartRecruiters is here to help.

Why Now?

  • Replace old systems. Upgrade your inefficient infrastructure with one, global platform that optimizes spend accelerates internal programs and reduces overhead.

  • Invest in transformation. Head into the upswing with a bulletproof technology change strategy in place.

  • You are the experts. You are sitting on content gold. What wisdom can you share with your candidates that can be to nurture and guide current and future prospects of your business?

  • Invest in change processes & automation. It’s a good time to invest in building a smarter business. Optimize your business and reduce overhead with technology and process innovation.

  • Encourage new skills. CRM, internal mobility, sourcing, marketing -- a deeper dive into many pertinent talent acquisition best practices. Get your team certified in strategic topics.

  • Replace old systems. Upgrade your inefficient infrastructure with one, global platform that optimizes spend accelerates internal programs and reduces overhead.

  • Prioritize internal hiring through innovative technologies. Slingshot your business out of the slump by actively recruiting your own employees & leveraging CRM. They are your best sourcers of future talent and your best source of talent.

  • Use AI to manage volume. There are a lot of candidates out there. This means more candidates. Cut through the noise with automation and intelligence that learns from this moment in positive and impactful ways.

Program Summary