Agency Portal Customers Terms & Conditions

HirePort – Special Terms:

By activating and processing candidates through the HirePort Agency Portal, Customer agrees to HirePort Agency Portal Pricing below:

The HirePort platform is charged based on successful placements only:

  • Permanent Placements:
    • 3% of agency placement fee
  • Interim/Contract:
    • 0.3% of expected contract value

Billing Process:

  1. All transaction fees are billed monthly through SmartRecruiters
  2. You can choose to let agencies pay, absorb the cost yourselves or create any split between you and the agency to cover this transaction fee, but the invoice will be from SmartRecruiters to the end customer.
    • Placement fee = $10,000
      • Customer chooses for the agency to pay:
        • Agency invoices customer $9,700
        • SR invoices customer $300
      • Customer absorbs the cost:
        • Agency invoices customer $10,000
        • SmartRecrutiers invoices customer $300
      • Split between agency & customer:
        • Agency invoices customer $9,850
        • SmartRecruiters invoices customer $300
  3. Consolidated invoicing with monthly breakdown of all placements and fees by agency