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July 2015 Release

New Feature Highlights for July 2015

Recruitment Marketing

Internal Mobility

Make it easy for your employees to discover and apply to jobs. Tap into your best source of talent and give them VIP treatment when applying. Easily distinguish internal from external applicants.

Collaborative Hiring


Communicate easier and faster than ever. @mention members of your hiring team, respond to them via email or the hiring feed, and even hashtag candidates to link updates to their profiles.

Personal Notes

Create secure notes that only you can see. Store drafts, transcripts or other sensitive information you need for your records. Attach notes to one or multiple candidate profiles at once.

Private Messages

Keep your private conversations private. Make hiring decisions faster by sharing information or opinions with the right people, privately.

New Customer Resources


SmartRecruiters support and education portal has never looked so good. Access all of your getting started guides, FAQs, videos and webinars in our new, easy-to-navigate SuccessCentral education portal.

Trust Site

Now there is one place to view status updates on the SmartRecruiters Hiring Success Platform. Get real-time monitoring of all platform performance.


We love customer feedback! Help us build your Hiring Success Platform and be a part of the product conversation on our new customer feedback portal, SmartIdeas. Submit your ideas on which features you would like to see next or simply check in to see what’s coming.

Delightful Enhancements

Interview scorecards

Interview scorecards are now a part of job templates. A scorecard is automatically added to the new job when you create it from a template, or copy a job.

Comment on scorecard criteria

Interviewers can leave comments on each criterion of their scorecard. Comments will be displayed in Reviews and HireLoop

Customize Rejection Reasons

Customize rejection reasons or add your own to the default list. The applicant flow report will reflect the new reasons.

Customize Withdrawal Reasons

Customize withdrawal reasons or use the ones from the default list. Mark which company a candidate chose when marking candidate as withdrawn. The applicant flow report will reflect withdrawal reasons.

Search by Ref IDs When Reassigning

Search for jobs by Ref IDs when reassigning candidates. This makes it easy to identify the right job when reassigning.

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